Dream Big

One of the earliest photos I have of myself as an artist, documenting the beginning of my creative journey; Here I am getting set up to paint from life en plein air (Bridgewater, Massachusetts; circa 2013)

It was an ordinary weekday when I received the news. My mother had invited me for lunch at our favourite vegan café. As the hour of our meeting drew near, I put down my paintbrush and prepared to leave. She would be outside my second-floor apartment any moment. I rushed around, vowing to myself that I would finish whatever I was working on later that afternoon. I zipped up my winter coat and swung my purse over my shoulder, taking one final look at my home studio before turning quickly on the wedge of my brown boots and heading out the door.

In her blue Toyota, my mom and I drove the seven minutes to the café and stepped inside, selecting a small table by the pastry case. It wasn’t Paris, but the vibe was calm, and it felt nice to have some distance from my studio brain for a little while. I made myself comfortable, already knowing we would order the usual: two vegan grilled cheeses, hold the red onion and tomato on mine, please. A cup of butternut squash soup sounded amazing on that cold and grey New England afternoon, so I added that to our order, along with two chocolate-covered strawberry almond milkshakes. Before the cashier could complete our transaction, my phone pinged.

A couple years after graduating with my fine arts degree, I moved my studio from above my grandfather’s garage to a space in the heart of the art scene in downtown New Bedford, Massachusetts (circa 2014)

My face went from excitement to disappointment when I saw that it was not a new text message from my boyfriend. Just another email... I opened it anyway, expecting it to be another joke of a promotion like “learning French in three easy steps” or a sale announcement for products I wished I could afford. It was neither. The sender line read, “Chateau d’Orquevaux.” I froze. This had to be the news I had been waiting for ever since I applied back in September. With eyes wide, I read on, “Dear Heather, Congratulations and welcome to the Chateau d’Orquevaux Artists and Writers Residency in France...” I GOT IN!!!

Since that lunch with my mother in mid-December, it’s been quite an intense ride. I knew I had to act immediately if I was going to make this dream come true. With my residency due to start in just five months, there was no time to lose. I went back to my apartment and began to brainstorm a way forward. I worked on my plan for hours that first night, and finally went to bed at 4:00 AM, my mind still reeling with the gnawing question of how I was going to afford everything when I’ve already been struggling for so long as an artist. I could not bear to see my efforts thwarted yet again after all I’ve been through. But they say, “where there’s a will, there’s a way,” and for those who know me personally, you know that I’m far too stubborn to give up in the face of a challenge. The question becomes not, “Am I going to be able to do this?” but rather, “How badly do I want this?”

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My dreams have forever exceeded beyond the four walls of my studio. I decided to close my space in downtown New Bedford and head to Europe like I had always meant to do. This photo is from my very first trip to England, sketching at Christ Church College in Oxford. (circa 2015)

Within that first week of receiving my acceptance letter, I launched phase one of my plan: the “Support an Artist in Residence” fundraiser. If you follow my Instagram and Facebook pages, you’ve likely seen me talking about it. But for those of you reading this for the first time, this fundraiser is unique. I am offering my artwork for donations! Over the next several months, it is my goal to reach between $10-$25K. Not only would this pay for the residency fees, but it will also cover my travel costs, living expenses, and art materials. In full transparency, the total amount I raise will determine the length of my stay in France—for the duration of my residency and for the opportunity to continue painting in Burgundy, Paris, and the Loire Valley.

In the time since I’ve announced my fundraiser, I have witnessed an unexpected outpouring of support from people that have been unknowingly watching from the sidelines. I cannot begin to tell you how much hope this has given me as I set off to pursue my passions, and I could not accomplish this feat without the support of those who believe in my art. Ever since I was a little girl, it has been a dream of mine to follow in the footsteps of some of the great artists that France has ever seen – Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh, and Manet, to name a few. Chateau d’Orquevaux is my chance to open the same doorway on my own career and create my life as a successful artist.

Fast forward to eight years later and my creative journey has taken me to England and back again, up and down the East Coast, to the most southern and western points of the U.S., Greece, France, and the Caribbean. I’ve been in this beautiful home studio since 2020, but now I am feeling more than ready to begin my next chapter in France, starting with my residency at the Chateau d’Orquevaux.

From the time I am writing this, the fundraiser has kicked off to a great start. With your help, we’ve managed to raise $3,000 and I’ve been able to make the second residency payment. But, there is still more work to do before May! To my dear readers, you can continue to help by sharing the link below, talking about my artistic pursuits to the likeminded people in your life, and by your donations. As a huge thank you, each contribution is awarded with your very own work of art! (More details on how to receive your artwork are described on my fundraiser page.)

By the end of this month and with the next blog I write, it is my hope to have raised the fundraiser total to at least $5,000. I believe that anything is possible with hard work, the support of my followers, and just a little bit of luck. So, “how badly do I want this?” To answer the previous question I posed: I was born to do this. I believe my destiny lies in a creative life, and that being an artist is my true purpose. One day, I’ll be selling my artwork at a gallery in Paris, recalling that ordinary New England day that started it all and opened the doorway to creative possibilities. Mostly, I’ll be thinking of all of you who helped me get there.

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To learn more about the Support an Artist in Residence fundraiser, to donate for artwork, and to help me share the great news, please use the link below:


I dream my painting and I paint my dream.
— Vincent Van Gogh