Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Drawn in Solitude

“The lonely silence is only interrupted by the sound of my brushstrokes repeatedly scraping across the canvas, in search of memory and meaning.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Ode to Paris

“Though life is uncertain, I know Paris will never leave me. Like my art, it will always be there to draw me back in.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Leave Room for Magic

“…I preach about the magic of fairy tales and create works of fantastical imaginings. What type of artist would I be if I also didn’t leave room for a little magic in my own life?”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Returning to Wonderland

“This is not the beginning of me being an artist, but rather it is the start of a visual documentation of me having begun again…”

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