Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Island Rhythm

“Art should be about self-expression and selecting your own colour palette. It is a return to the untouched, imaginative mind that once roamed wild and carefree throughout childhood.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Drawn in Solitude

“The lonely silence is only interrupted by the sound of my brushstrokes repeatedly scraping across the canvas, in search of memory and meaning.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Ode to Paris

“Though life is uncertain, I know Paris will never leave me. Like my art, it will always be there to draw me back in.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

City Of Lights

“From the Louvre to the cobblestoned streets of Montmartre, Paris has already hinted at the changes coming into my life and the bright possibilities that lie ahead in the near future…”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Art & Fear

“…what this composition did teach me is how to silence the inner voice, and sometimes outer critics, that say you cannot paint.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette

Change In Narrative

“…being an artist doesn’t mean you have to make art every day, but rather it is how you incorporate it throughout your lifetime that matters most.”

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Heather Berthelette Heather Berthelette


“Once there was an imaginative girl who believed in the transformative magic of fairy tales…”

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